Thursday, 22 September 2011

Farmer Advocacy :FMR

Civilization began with agriculture. When our nomadic ancestors began to settle and grow their own food, human society was forever changed. Not only did villages, towns and cities begin to flourish, but so did knowledge, the arts and the technological sciences. 

Human communities, no matter how sophisticated, could not ignore the importance of agriculture. To be far from dependable sources of food was to risk malnutrition and starvation. 

In modern times, however, many in the urban world have forgotten this fundamental connection. Insulated by the apparent abundance of food that has come from new technologies for the growing, transportation and storage of food, humanity's fundamental dependence on agriculture is often overlooked. 

Growing up I wanted to be a Doctor (medical), lost interest along the way and developed a keen interest in farming. Realised feeding people was as important as saving lives. Every body eats without noticing where the food comes from and the pains the tiller of the land goes through to get the final produce out. 

Farmer advocacy is about farmers prefixing their names with the abbreviation Fmr. for Farmer  (eg. Fmr. David Osei). This is all in the name branding farming and agriculture to be attractive for the youth. Notes from school always claims that one problem our agriculture face is 1. the aging farmers in the system without replacement. Farmer advocacy aims at impacting the youth to take up farming and agriculture.

Feeding the population and ensuring food security Sustainably is prime.

                                        "The Best Culture is Agriculture"

Fmr. Akwasi Tagoe

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