Monday, 29 August 2011

Value Chain In Farming I

The quality and safety of food have become increasingly important throughout the world in recent times because of the direct relationship between food and human health. People are becoming more conscious of what they consume and how it is produced, processed, and distributed. 

Market access requirements are constantly changing and countries must identify changes in market access requirements and adapt their production processes in order to meet these requirements. For these reasons the importance of standards that assure food quality and food safety in the domestic, regional and international markets cannot be overemphasised. Food safety and quality assurance challenges are usually addressed through private, national and international policies and standards that relate to the production, processing and marketing of food.

One way of making sure food safety and quality assurance issues get the deserved attention and diffuse throughout the population is to mainstream the issues into the curricula of  agricultural colleges, universities and allied institutions and disciplines.

Value addition at every point in th farming process in as important a s the final product delivered to the consumer. These step should be from the process of production to market delivery. value chain addition aids in Rural economics development and agribusiness promotion.

Most people just sit in the cities (Accra) and eat not considering how the food on the table got there, who works on the farm and how the food produce gets to the markets. Economic development involves the transformation of rural agricultural based economies into more urban industrial and service based economies.This implies that flows of resources, goods, services, knowledge and information between urban and rural areas change. Agricultural production in rural areas and consumption in urban centres are geographically more and more separated. However, rural production needs to provide the growing cities with affordable and quality food. Value chains have developed rural-urban linkages to meet these challenges and provide potential benefits for both, rural producers and urban consumers.

 "the Best Culture is Agriculture"

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