Grow More Food : Research for Sustainable Agricultural Development
Farmers by their contribution to national wealth and provision and food for the entire population need to be honored for their back-breaking contribution. For this reason the government set aside the first Friday of December every year to honor and applaud the men, women and children behind the scene who work relentlessly to provide the nation with its food supply.
I happened to be at the Ministry of Food and Agriculture on two occasions when corporate organizations presented their donations towards the celebration, as I stood and listened to speeches by various company representatives all I could think of was that the money received each year should be used in the construction roads from farmlands to the cities every year. i.e One road a year and if the money can do more; fine.
In this Blog i would like to say Ayekoo to all Farmers and Fishermen. The role they play in our lives is one that is not felt directly but we need food; our main source of energy to perform. Cultivating the land and Pulling the net at dawn requires experience and skill.
Every great economy at a point in time made Agriculture their main priority. We are however missing the point of Industry and Agriculture.
Getting our agro-policy right will help ensure food security some years to come. Research for sustainable agricultural development is vital so that our children's children get to enjoy some years after. Our Sector suffers over- dependence on small- scale farming and the use of
rudimentary tools. Smallholder farmers can’t access credit, training,
technology and market for their products as infrastructure has not
expanded to adequately cater for the needs of farmers.
I am however not talking on the challenges of our farmers today, I am emphasizing on the fact that even through all these challenges, they still do their best to produce enough for the country to feed on.
Farmers should treat their activity as a business to reap the most benefits of it. Marketing their produce and creating a Farm brand is very important. Expand and diversify the farm enterprise.
This years winner Ignatius Agbo has a scale of operation of Cocoa 160 acres, Oil Palm 12 acres, Citrus 15
acres, Plantain 15 acres, cow pea 2 acres, sweet potatoes 1acre Cassava
5 acres, Coconut 2 acre, vegetables together with his livestock
occupying about 50 acres. He employs 35 permanent workers and an additional 62 casual workers.
Our Small-scale farmers who practice farming as a living should not be left out of this celebration of honor. We appreciate your effort.
I wish all Farmers Ayekooo!!! Mmo ne adwuma!, Well done!!
"the Best Culture is Agriculture"
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